Il gioco della fattoria
"Da piccolo i miei svaghi preferiti erano le costruzioni e il gioco della fattoria con piante, alberi e animali di ogni tipo" dichiara Alex con candore e sguardo sognante, "non sono riuscito a fare l'architetto però ho realizzato il mio desiderio di creare una fattoria reale. Quando mi sono trovato, da un momento all'altro, senza lavoro e senza prospettive, non mi sono scoraggiato e, frugando nelle tasche della mia infanzia, ho accarezzato l'idea di rendere possibile la mia fantasia di bambino". Lui è Alex, di professione informatico, ha lavorato per quindici anni nell'indotto della zona industriale di Priolo, viaggiando molto e accumulando apprezzabili esperienze professionali e umane. Fattoria Le Guainelle (, nome poco conosciuto per indicare il baccello del carrubo, è la sua creatura, ormai diventata una realtà, un'idea che, con tenacia e convinzione, si è materializzata fino a rappresentare un moderno esempio di agricoltura a basso impatto ambientale. "Il luogo della ripartenza, dopo una serie di vicissitudini che mi hanno fatto svoltare strada, cambiare il verso della mia vita, per ricominciare dalla terra, dalle origini, dal culto per il cibo sano e dal contatto con la natura". Nella sua fattoria, a pochi chilometri da Solarino, in provincia di Siracusa, Alex coltiva alberi da frutto, soprattutto quei frutti dimenticati che lentamente stanno scomparendo dal mercato e dalla memoria collettiva, frutti esotici, piante aromatiche, mandorli, olive e carrubi. Da qualche tempo ha realizzato l'orto con le verdure di stagione, con diverse varietà di lattughe, radicchio, ravanelli, sedani. E accolto galline e api, nell'ottica dell'autosufficienza e della realizzazione di un'economia di tipo circolare.
Nella fase di progettazione della sua fattoria, Alex ha aderito alla rete di permacultura, una metodologia di progettazione di sistemi agricoli ancora scarsamente diffusa e praticata in Italia. Il suo è un nome composto, risultato dell'unione di "permanente" e "agricolture". Gli australiani Bill Mollison e David Holmgren sono stati i fondatori di questa disciplina che, per la realizzazione di insediamenti urbani ecosostenibili, pone come criterio la centralità dell'agricoltura, attenzione particolare al territorio, e la creazione di apparati colturali pluriennali caratterizzate da un basso consumo di energia fossile e ridotto impiego di lavoro umano. La permacultura è l'arte di tessere relazioni creando sinergie tra elementi naturali, risorse del sottosuolo e attività umane allo scopo di costruire un mondo ecosostenibile in grado di apprendere il più possibile gli insegnamenti della natura e valorizzare la biodiversità. Tale pratica contiene una triade di principi ispiratori verso un corretto comportamento: la prima etica riguarda il rispetto del suolo, la seconda l'attenzione nei confronti dell'essere umano e la terza la condivisione del surplus, nel senso di aiuto verso gli altri che aderiscono al gruppo.
I suoi occhi si illuminano quando parla dei progetti che intende realizzare a Le Guainelle, a cominciare dall'adozione del frutteto mediante il processo del crowdfunding, che permetterà, a chi ne avesse voglia, di adottare un albero da frutto, ai fini di promuovere la progettazione rispettosa dei canoni dell'agroecologia. Sul far della primavera, con il rialzo della temperatura, verranno piantati 30 alberi da frutto tropicali, e poi ancora verranno ospitate alcune attività laboratoriali, come ad es. quello che permetterà ai partecipanti di imparare a realizzare prodotti di pulizia ecologici, sia per l'igiene personale che per le pulizie di casa, quello dedicato all'arte dell' innesto, alle tecniche erboristiche, e un'iniziativa molto originale, indirizzata al mondo della didattica, intitolata "Cartolaio del bosco", un progetto di ecodesign per educare i ragazzi al rispetto della natura e alla sostenibilità ambientale, attraverso l'impiego di biomateriali a Km0, nato dalla considerevole capacità creativa di due architetti palermitani, Antonia Teatino e Giulia Fiocca, esperte in design sostenibile.
La Fattoria di Alex ha aderito al WWOOF e Workaway, associazioni di volontariato che consentono, a giovani di tutto il mondo, di prestare la propria opera in cambio di vitto, alloggio e scambio di esperienze. Tanti sono stati i volontari che negli ultimi due anni sono passati a Le Guainelle, creando un sistema di relazioni autentiche fondate sull'interscambio umano e sul pieno rispetto del pianeta, allo scopo di costruire una comunità reale, virtuosa, globale e sostenibile. Gli sforzi che Alex sta sostenendo sembrano ricalcare fedelmente le raccomandazioni che Vandana Shiva, instancabile e appassionata leader della rivoluzione verde, ha pronunciato come auspicio per vivere al meglio il 2019, con la speranza che la tutela della diversità biologica e culturale possa continuare nel segno dell' inclusività, come parte del tutto capace di generare appartenenza e condivisione.
"Possiamo decidere di cambiare percorso nell'unico modo in cui dovremmo vivere su questa terra, con amore, con passo leggero, riducendo la nostra impronta ecologica e aumentando, invece, l'impronta delle nostre mani e del nostro cuore, aumentando la nostra vera intelligenza".
English version
"As a child my favorite games were the buildings and the farm with plants, trees and animals of all kinds" says Alex with candor and dreamy look "I could not do the architect but I realized my desire to create a real farm When I found myself, at any moment, without work and without perspectives, I did not get discouraged and, fumbling in the pockets of my childhood, I caressed the idea of making my child's fantasy possible ". He is Alex, a computer scientist, he worked for fifteen years in the industrial area of Priolo, traveling a lot and accumulating appreciable professional and human experience. Fattoria Le Guainelle (, a name little known to indicate the fruit of the carob tree, is its creature, now become a reality, an idea that, with tenacity and conviction, has materialized to represent a modern example of sustainable agriculture. "The place of the restart, after a series of vicissitudes that have made me turn the road, change the verse of my life, to start from the earth, from the origins, from the worship of good food, from contact with nature". On his farm, a few kilometers from Solarino, in the province of Syracuse, Alex grows fruit trees, especially those forgotten fruits that are slowly disappearing from the market and collective memory, exotic fruits, aromatic plants, almond trees, olives and carob trees. For some time he has created a vegetable garden with seasonal vegetables, with different varieties of lettuce, radicchio, radishes and celery. Hens and bees are welcomed, in the perspective of self-sufficiency and the realization of a circular economy.
In the design phase of his farm, Alex has joined the permaculture network, a methodology of design of agricultural systems that is still little known and practiced in Italy. His is a compound name, result of the union of "permanent" and "agricultures". The Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren were the founders of this discipline that, for the creation of eco-sustainable urban settlements, sets as a criterion the centrality of agriculture, particular attention to the territory, and the creation of multi-year cultivation systems characterized by low consumption of fossil energy and reduced use of human labor. Permaculture is the art of creating relationships creating synergies between natural elements, resources of the subsoil and human activities in order to build an eco-sustainable world able to learn as much as possible the teachings of nature and enhance biodiversity. This practice contains a triad of inspiring principles towards a correct behavior: the first ethics concerns the respect of the ground, the second the attention towards the human being and the third the sharing of the surplus, in the sense of help towards the others who adhere to the group.
His eyes light up when he talks about the projects he intends to achieve at Guainelle, starting with the adoption of the orchard through the crowdfunding system, which will allow those who want to adopt a fruit tree, to promote the design respectful of the canons of agroecology. In the spring, with the rise of temperature, 30 tropical fruit trees will be planted, and then still some laboratory activities will be hosted, such as for example. what will allow participants to learn how to make ecological cleaning products, both for personal hygiene and for house cleaning, the one dedicated to the art of grafting, to herbal techniques, and a very original initiative dedicated to the world of teaching, titled "Cartolaio del bosco", an ecodesign project to educate children on respect for nature and environmental sustainability, through the use of Km0 biomaterials, born from the considerable creative capacity of two architects from Palermo, Antonia Teatino and Giulia Fiocca, experts in sustainable design.
The Alex Farm has joined the initiative of the WWOOF and Workaway, voluntary associations that allow young people all over the world to lend their work in exchange for food, accommodation and exchange of experiences. So many volunteers have passed through Guainelle in the last two years, creating a system of authentic relationships based on human interchange and full respect for the planet, in order to build a real, virtuous, global and sustainable community. The efforts that Alex is supporting seem to faithfully follow the recommendations that Vandana Shiva, tireless and passionate leader of the green revolution, has pronounced as a wish to better live 2019, with the hope that the protection of biological and cultural diversity can continue in the name of inclusiveness, as part of the whole that generates belonging and sharing.
English version
"As a child my favorite games were the buildings and the farm with plants, trees and animals of all kinds" says Alex with candor and dreamy look "I could not do the architect but I realized my desire to create a real farm When I found myself, at any moment, without work and without perspectives, I did not get discouraged and, fumbling in the pockets of my childhood, I caressed the idea of making my child's fantasy possible ". He is Alex, a computer scientist, he worked for fifteen years in the industrial area of Priolo, traveling a lot and accumulating appreciable professional and human experience. Fattoria Le Guainelle (, a name little known to indicate the fruit of the carob tree, is its creature, now become a reality, an idea that, with tenacity and conviction, has materialized to represent a modern example of sustainable agriculture. "The place of the restart, after a series of vicissitudes that have made me turn the road, change the verse of my life, to start from the earth, from the origins, from the worship of good food, from contact with nature". On his farm, a few kilometers from Solarino, in the province of Syracuse, Alex grows fruit trees, especially those forgotten fruits that are slowly disappearing from the market and collective memory, exotic fruits, aromatic plants, almond trees, olives and carob trees. For some time he has created a vegetable garden with seasonal vegetables, with different varieties of lettuce, radicchio, radishes and celery. Hens and bees are welcomed, in the perspective of self-sufficiency and the realization of a circular economy.
In the design phase of his farm, Alex has joined the permaculture network, a methodology of design of agricultural systems that is still little known and practiced in Italy. His is a compound name, result of the union of "permanent" and "agricultures". The Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren were the founders of this discipline that, for the creation of eco-sustainable urban settlements, sets as a criterion the centrality of agriculture, particular attention to the territory, and the creation of multi-year cultivation systems characterized by low consumption of fossil energy and reduced use of human labor. Permaculture is the art of creating relationships creating synergies between natural elements, resources of the subsoil and human activities in order to build an eco-sustainable world able to learn as much as possible the teachings of nature and enhance biodiversity. This practice contains a triad of inspiring principles towards a correct behavior: the first ethics concerns the respect of the ground, the second the attention towards the human being and the third the sharing of the surplus, in the sense of help towards the others who adhere to the group.
His eyes light up when he talks about the projects he intends to achieve at Guainelle, starting with the adoption of the orchard through the crowdfunding system, which will allow those who want to adopt a fruit tree, to promote the design respectful of the canons of agroecology. In the spring, with the rise of temperature, 30 tropical fruit trees will be planted, and then still some laboratory activities will be hosted, such as for example. what will allow participants to learn how to make ecological cleaning products, both for personal hygiene and for house cleaning, the one dedicated to the art of grafting, to herbal techniques, and a very original initiative dedicated to the world of teaching, titled "Cartolaio del bosco", an ecodesign project to educate children on respect for nature and environmental sustainability, through the use of Km0 biomaterials, born from the considerable creative capacity of two architects from Palermo, Antonia Teatino and Giulia Fiocca, experts in sustainable design.
The Alex Farm has joined the initiative of the WWOOF and Workaway, voluntary associations that allow young people all over the world to lend their work in exchange for food, accommodation and exchange of experiences. So many volunteers have passed through Guainelle in the last two years, creating a system of authentic relationships based on human interchange and full respect for the planet, in order to build a real, virtuous, global and sustainable community. The efforts that Alex is supporting seem to faithfully follow the recommendations that Vandana Shiva, tireless and passionate leader of the green revolution, has pronounced as a wish to better live 2019, with the hope that the protection of biological and cultural diversity can continue in the name of inclusiveness, as part of the whole that generates belonging and sharing.
"We can decide to change the path in the only way we should live on this earth, with love, with light step, reducing our ecological footprint and increasing, instead, the imprint of our hands and our heart, increasing our true intelligence".
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